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Getting Started

ReflexSOAR is composed of the following components:

  • Storage - A back-end component for storing persistent data. Supported back-ends are OpenSearch or Elasticsearch
  • Memcached - A blazing fast memory cache for use with intel data
  • Reflex API - A web API for all requests. The core functionality of Reflex comes from the Reflex API
  • Reflex UI - A web application for presenting a friendly user interface to analysts
  • Reflex Agent - An agent used to get agents into ReflexSOAR
  • Optional Storage Reporting - For additional reporting capabilities, supports OpenSearch Dashboards or Kibana

Quickstart Installation

To streamline the initial setup process, an installation script has been developed to automate the installation of the components mentioned above. To run the installation script successfully, a machine with a minimum of 4 GB of RAM, two CPU cores, and at least 50 GB of available disk space is required. The script has undergone testing on the following operating systems to ensure compatibility and reliability:

  • AlmaLinux ✓

  • Amazon Linux ✓

  • CentOS 7 ✓

  • CentOS 8 ✓

  • Ubuntu 20.04 ✓

  • Ubuntu 22.04 ✓

Installation Script

The script to install all the components for Reflex can be ran using the following command:

sudo bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Start/Stop All Components

Upon the completion of the script, all the necessary components will be successfully installed and running. You may start and stop all components using the following commands:

cd reflexsoar # Change this to your installation folder
docker-compose stop
docker-compose start

Start/Stop/Restart Services

You may also stop, start, and restart your individual services using commands similar to below.

docker stop reflex-api
docker start reflex-api
docker restart reflex-api


The default container names are opensearch, opensearch-dashboards, memcached, reflex-api, and reflex-ui. Also, all services will automatically start on a reboot or cold start of your host operating system.

Accessing Reflex

You can access ReflexSOAR by connecting to your host operating system using https such as https://localhost. You may connect to OpenSearch Dashboards using port 5601 such as https://localhost:5601. OpenSearch Dashboards is only if you wish to create custom reports.

Default Usernames and Passwords

  • Reflex

    • username:
    • password: reflex
  • OpenSearch

    • username: admin
    • password: admin

Changing Default Login Information

We highly recommend immediately changing the default login information upon first login. The installation video here describes how to change the default login credentials.

Uninstall Quickstart Installation

If you wish to remove the containers and data volumes created by the quickstart script, run the following command:

sudo bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"